The University Historian
How can a university historian help UTEP present an accurate picture of its past?
Check out these recent media stories that were slightly off the mark.

Join the quest to preserve the oldest existing, extant campus in Texas!
Demolition by Deception?
12 Oct. 2024
University Newsfeed
UTEP claims it is facing $348 million in deferred maintenance costs for all of its buildings.
How much of this figure can be attributed to the university's heritage sites?
More Mistakes in UTEP's 2024 Campus Master Plan
6 Oct. 2024
University Newsfeed
UTEP all but apologizes to The University Historian
UTEP publicly admits that The University Historian told the El Paso County Commissioners the truth about its planned demolition of historic buildings on campus
Sixteen Verifiable Errors and Misstatements in UTEP’s 2024 Campus Master Plan
28 Sept. 2024
University Newsfeed
The University Historian is puzzled. How does UTEP, a top-tier research university, publish a flawed, mistake-ridden document like this, especially one that the public will scrutinize with a fine-toothed comb?
“Minerpalooza Ready to Mine Through its 34th Year"
4 Sept. 2024
University Newsfeed
"As in previous years, the 34th annual Minerpalooza will feature a fun and eclectic assortment of activities."
The first Minerpalooza was held in 1994 – 30 years ago. This would be the 31st annual, not 34th, Minerpalooza.
"UTEP Breaks Ground on Texas Western Hall, New $110M Learning Complex"
23 Oct. 2023
University Newsfeed
"Texas Western Hall was named in recognition of the University’s history and expansion beyond mining education and degree programs. Founded as the School of Mines and Metallurgy in 1913, UTEP was renamed Texas Western College in 1948 to broaden the identity of the University and unite engineers, teachers, and liberal arts students under the same banner."
UTEP was founded as the State School of Mines and Metallurgy (UTEP Sourcebook, “Legal Names”).
Renamed Texas Western College of the University of Texas in 1949, not 1948 (UTEP Sourcebook, “Legal Names”).

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